Inside Voyager in Outer Space
You are Cordially Invited to the Intergalactic Embassy at hangmenProjects to Celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Voyager 1 and 2 Interstellar Mission
Exhibition 5-9 September 2017, extension hangmenProjects.
Opening incl performances Tuesday 5 September 18:00-21:00
18.20-18.30: Senior Alien from Alice & The Aliens with performance ”Alien Brain 2”, music by Ombudsman
19:00-19:20: Vilda Kvist with performance “Target of opportunity”.
In 1977, NASA launched spacecrafts Voyager I and II into interstellar space. Mounted to each of them is a golden phonograph record, an interstellar message to introduce our civilization to extraterrestrials, perhaps billions of years from now. Voyager 2 launched on August 20, and Voyager 1 on September 5, 1977 from Cape Canaveral. Humanity’s farthest and longest-lived spacecraft achieve 40 years of operation and exploration.
This group show invites you to celebrate the 40th anniversary from the very inside of Voyager 1, temporarily open to the public at hangmenProjects in Stockholm. Explore the defunkt memorabilia, paraphernalia, and other artifacts of human ideas about the future, aliens, and the universe. Meet some of the extraterrestrials trying to decipher the sounds, images and texts designed for them to make sense of. Feel the emptiness, darkness and loneliness in outer space, or meet the unknown Voyager VI that turned against its creators and its purpose. Read more about current debates, recorded events, scientific discoveries, technological innovations and predictions of imagined futures that currently affect all our lives. Has Voyager made humanity immortal, or is it just a golden record drifting in outer space, with no turntable to play it? Welcome to a point of no return.
With Timo Menke, Senior Alien (Alice & The Aliens), Kira Carpelan, Richard Krantz, Patrick Kretschek, Vilda Kvist, Svante Larsson, Aleksandra Mir, Vesna Salamon, Niklas Wallenborg and Roger Wilson
Based on an exhibition concept by Timo Menke, with support from Niklas Wallenborg, Svante Larsson and hangmenProjects.
Photos: Svante Larsson
Vesna Salamon: Extreme Planet Makeover, Intaglio prints (aquatint, hard and soft ground), 80 x 60 cm each print
Kira Carpelan: Typical Human Clutter from an Average Size Family Unit, 25 Photographic prints, 10x15 cm each print
Svante Larsson: A small comparative study of celestographs from the pale blue dot looking at you Voyager!, 2 digital prints 70 x 100 cm
Richard Krantz: A Day in Space in August, Drawing on paper, 29 x 42cm
Timo Menke: The New Pioneer Couple, Engraved brass plate in original dimensions, 22,9 x 15,2 cm
Vilda Kvist: Target of opportunity, Performance 20 min, incl. props
Patrick Kretschek: Greetings, Wood sculpture on wheels (time capsule), flowers, text, secret content.
Niklas Wallenborg: Hello! I've been looking for you. If you are there, please pick up and talk to me. (Based on a true story - all humans, gods, machines and planets in this story are imaginary), Analog film reel on paper, 9 x 3300 cm
Senior Alien: Alien Brain 2, Performance, 10 min. Music by Ombudsmannen
Aleksandra Mir: We can’t stop thinking about the future, Book on display and for sale during the show, 20.4 x 29.8 cm

Roger Wilson: Voyager Inside Out, Text based on a blog post on
Gallery views with several works featured above.